I am currently reading a book that states that Western culture has corrupted the American churches.  One of the main tenets of the author is that America's fascination with the individual has been detrimental to the concept of community in the churches.

There is some basis for this view.  American society is certainly about me, me, me first and everyone else can get in line.  "You've got to look out for number one" is definitely a part of our culture's psyche.

And can anyone doubt that this has not affected American Christianity?  As a small church pastor, I can attest to the many times I have visited a prospective family only to hear in one form or another, "what does your church have to offer me?"  I have always contended that the right question is "what to I have to offer your church?!"  Had Jesus only been interested in those who could benefit Him He would not have come to earth at all because none of us have anything to offer Him.

So I understand the point.  However, I don't agree that all of American Christianity is like this.  As a matter of fact, most small churches have a very strong sense of community.  Indeed, it is this very thing that helps hold them together.  Pastors come and go, communities change, people are born and die, but these congregations remain strong, in large part because of their sense of belonging to one another.  They know they are part of something that is bigger than themselves--they are a part of the church!

And the good news is, most of the churches in America are small churches.  Over 80 percent of all congregations are small.  That means that a majority of the people DO have the sense of community that the Bible requires in a New Testament church. 

There will always be some that don't get it, who care more for themselves than the group.  But thankfully, those folks are a minority in small churches.